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+44 (0) 1684 212882

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56 Prefect Years Together

56 Prefect Years Together

James and His 1949 Ford Prefect: A Love Story in Grease and Rust A tale of perseverance, passion, and a whole lot of oily rags. It all began in 1968 when a 13-year-old James Webster from Kelowna (British Columbia) found a rusty old 1949 Ford Prefect in a scrapyard....

Ford Popular goes Electric

Ford Popular goes Electric

Martin has done an amazing restoration and electric conversion to create POPP-E, a practical daily driver Ford PopularSmall Ford Spares is the leading parts supplier for the British-built side valve Fords from the 1930s to 1960s. We were very interested to learn about...

New Old Stock Pistons for Austin 12/4

New Old Stock Pistons for Austin 12/4

After over 80 years of patiently waiting, these COVMO pistons for an Austin Light 12/4 are finally going to get their chance to shine! Despite sitting on warehouse shelves from before the Second World War they were not forgotten and will fulfil their destiny to keep...

Farewell to the little Model Y Van

Farewell to the little Model Y Van

After a hard-working life here at Vintage & Classic Spares (well, not really) we have said goodbye to the cute little Fordson Model Y van. A sad moment for all as the little van brings a smile to anyone, but we need the space in the warehouse for new projects....

Classic Engine Parts help get a 1929 Humber back on the road

Classic Engine Parts help get a 1929 Humber back on the road

Robin Wills had fond childhood memories of riding in his father’s old Humber 9/28 saloon in the early 70s.The car was last seen staring in the opening titles for the 1976 film “The Likely Lads” before disappearing to America. After a long search Robin located the now...

New Vintage Supplies Catalogue

New Vintage Supplies Catalogue

Issue 34 of the legendary Vintage Supplies catalogue is here - bigger and better than ever! 132 pages packed with even more of the parts, components and materials you need for your classic or vintage car. A handy reference for the workshop for all those little...

The Duchess – Touring Australia in a 1922 Vauxhall

The Duchess – Touring Australia in a 1922 Vauxhall

Steve Butler is not afraid to make serious road trips in his 1922 Vauxhall 30-98 E-TypeSteve lives in the UK, but usually travels to Australia twice a year for driving holidays, participating in rallys. There is a strong vintage and classic car scene in...

Pillar Mounted Raydyot HSU495 Spot Lamp

Pillar Mounted Raydyot HSU495 Spot Lamp

One of our customers in Switzerland (thanks Michel Vock!) was looking to add a period spot lamp/search light to his stunning 1920s Bentley Le Mans special. Unable to find the type of side mount he wanted he came to an ingenious solution of his own. Michel used an old...

New Website for Vintage Supplies

New Website for Vintage Supplies

Vintage Supplies is delighted to launch a major update of its popular website for historic vehicle enthusiasts. Paul Beck's Vintage Supplies has been a leading specialist supplier of parts and accessories for restoring and maintaining historic vehicles for over 50...

New SVC Product Catalogue

New SVC Product Catalogue

We are very excited to announce that the new SVC product catalogue is finished, printed and ready for dispatch. It’s here! - the latest edition of the legendary SVC catalogue. 80 pages packed with parts, components and materials. Lots of information and helpful guides...

Fixing locks, hinges and catches on vintage cars

Fixing locks, hinges and catches on vintage cars

The repair and adjustment of vintage car door locks, bonnet fasteners, vents and other bodywork fittings. Time to fix those loose or damaged fittings on your pride and joy! Apart from appearance, badly worn fittings cause annoying rattles and squeaks and can be...

1958 Tucker Sno-Kitten

1958 Tucker Sno-Kitten

Classic Tucker Sno-Cat Model 222 “Sno-Kitten” 1958 is powered by Ford side-valve engine We supply a lot of classic British Ford parts to customers in America and Canada, but we were surprised to learn that the Ford 100E engine parts our customer Brian was buying...

What is the definition of a vintage, historic or classic car?

What is the definition of a vintage, historic or classic car?

When does an old car become a classic? There are a lot of terms applied to older cars with much overlap and confusion as to exact meanings. There are some legal definitions, but other than that there are many different opinions and national variations on the use of...

Bright self-flashing LED upgrade for trafficators

Bright self-flashing LED upgrade for trafficators

Classic Bulbs has developed two new LED festoon lamps designed for use in "pop-up" semaphore ‘Trafficators’ such as the Lucas SE100/SF80 unit.  These LED lights are 36mm long with 8mm caps and slimline electronics featuring three very bright 5730 SMD LEDs on each side...

Morgan Remote Brake Servo Upgrade

Morgan Remote Brake Servo Upgrade

One of our customers (thanks Ian!) wanted to improve the braking on his 1985 Morgan 4/4. The car already has a split brake circuit, but no space to fit a brake servo between the brake pedal and master cylinder. The solution was to fit one of our remote dual-circuit...

Beaulieu International Autojumble

Beaulieu International Autojumble

Another fantastic show at the Beaulieu International Autojumble 2022. The team had a great weekend running two large stands and enjoyed their stay in the beautiful New Forest. It took three vans to move all the stock! It is always great to meet so many of our...

Moving GBH Engine Spares

Moving GBH Engine Spares

In January 2019, Vintage & Classic Spares relocated GBH Engine Spares from Holsworthy in Devon to its base in Malvern. Brian Hayes, who founded GBH Spares over 25 years ago, amassed a huge collection of classic and vintage engine spares - including pistons, piston...

RREC Annual Rally 2019

RREC Annual Rally 2019

Each year, the Rolls-Royce and Bentley Enthusiast Club host their annual rally at Burghley House. This year we had the opportunity to have a trade stand there, get the new gazebo out, and meet some of our customers in person. But, perhaps more interestingly, it gave...

Make a Parts Enquiry

Engine Parts Enquiry